Fire truck, police cruiser replacements up for vote at Charlemont Town Meeting
Published: 05-24-2024 10:58 AM |
CHARLEMONT — Annual Town Meeting attendees will be asked to replace a failing, 27-year-old fire truck, buy a new police cruiser, start a new fire district with Rowe and adopt a bylaw that spells out procedures for recalling an elected town official.
The meeting will be held Tuesday, May 28, at 6 p.m. in the Hawlemont Regional School auditorium.
Heading into fiscal year 2025, the town is asking for an operating budget increase of less than 1% over the current year’s figures. At a pre-Town Meeting information session this week, Selectboard member Valentine Reid said town officials managed to reach a nearly level-funded operating budget by shaving off about $18,000 in costs from the budget year that ends on June 30. Even so, the new budget will give town employees a 5% cost-of-living increase.
The largest increase in the proposed $4.4 million total town budget is for school assessments. Charlemont’s $824,961 Mohawk Trail Regional School District assessment represents a 5.7% increase over this year’s figures. Mohawk Trail’s transportation costs rose by 12%, while the state cut the district’s transportation reimbursement funding. Furthermore, Massachusetts is level-funding the district’s Chapter 70 aid but raising towns’ required minimum contributions.
The town’s Hawlemont Regional School District assessment is level-funded, at $1.3 million. The elementary school has 53 Charlemont students enrolled, while 37 Charlemont teens attend Mohawk Trail Regional School.
Other requests for town spending include:
■$20,000 for bridge repairs.
■$40,000 for road improvements.
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■$17,000 for an annual financial audit. (The audit is required for many grant and loan applications.)
■$68,000 for a new police cruiser, to replace the department’s 2017 Ford Explorer. Reid said the town does not have any outstanding loans, and borrowing the money now would prevent having to replace vehicles all at once. Also, having two cruisers under warranty would reduce the town’s current maintenance costs for the police vehicles.
A warrant article seeks $800,000 for a new fire truck, but Reid said the requested amount will be reduced at Town Meeting to $200,000 due to the likelihood of a grant that would cover 75% the cost.
Reid mentioned the truck must be custom-built to fit into the narrow bays in the town’s Fire Station.
If voters approve it, the town will no longer bulk-print copies of its annual report, saving the town a possible $1,200 in printing costs and a box full of unused copies. Each year, most of them end up being recycled. Instead, the town will post its annual report on the town website and have a more limited number of print copies available.
Rowe voted in favor of forming a fire district with Charlemont during its Annual Town Meeting earlier this month, and now Charlemont will have its say. Fire Chief Dennis Annear, who serves both towns, said new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations will be put in place over the next two years, which will result in cost increases and greater training requirements for firefighters and fire chiefs.
“No town can operate by itself,” he said. Annear said a fire district has a separate municipal structure, with a prudential board, a finance committee and a separate tax structure. Residents will get a separate tax bill from the fire district, but each town will keep its own fire station.
A proposed bylaw for recall elections would require at least 50 registered town voters to file an affidavit for the elected official they want to see recalled, along with a statement about the grounds for removal.
Charlemont will vote again on a Mohawk Trail Regional School District regional agreement revision that would change the enrollment formula used to calculate town assessments by including resident students who are enrolled in out-of-district School Choice or charter schools. Charlemont approved this measure last year, but some of the other Mohawk Trail member towns didn’t pass it, so the proposal is coming before voters for a second time.
A warrant article filed by a citizen’s petition asks the town to support a permanent cease-fire in Gaza. If approved by voters, the town clerk would send copies of the resolution to President Joe Biden, and to Massachusetts’ U.S. senators.
The final petitioned article asks to declare a one-year moratorium on “smart meters,” which are wireless utility meters on utility poles. However, Town Administrator Sarah Reynolds said the town has no authority to declare a moratorium on the utility meters. She said the town would simply be voting on this as a non-binding resolution.
The full 27-article Town Meeting warrant and related budget documents can be found at