Gill Elementary School roof replacement accepted for state funding

Gill Elementary School in Gill.

Gill Elementary School in Gill. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

Gill Elementary School in Gill.

Gill Elementary School in Gill. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ


Staff Writer

Published: 11-17-2024 1:14 PM

Modified: 12-13-2024 9:13 AM

GILL — After advocating for funding since 2017, the Gill Elementary School roof replacement project has been accepted by the Massachusetts School Building Authority’s (MSBA) Accelerated Repair Program.

The Selectboard, detailing the status of the project during its Nov. 4 meeting, explained that the offer provided by the MSBA would cover 77.47% of the roof replacement once a total cost is identified. MSBA representatives conducted a site visit at the school in August, and announced that Gill Elementary would be included among 70 Accelerated Repair projects on Oct. 30, with structural repairs being funded statewide including everything from roof replacements to new windows and doors.

The town, which owns the school building, has already set aside $48,439 for the project. While a total estimated cost for the work is not yet known, a Special Town Meeting to identify where the remaining funding should come from will be held in the new year. Town Administrator Ray Purington said the MSBA provided him with resources on estimating a project cost.

Part of the MSBA program entails a three-month deadline for the town to fund a schematic design phase, the price of which is also not known at this time. According to Purington, once there is a schematic design pinned down, the town will enter into a contract with the state-appointed company for the construction project where a total cost of the roof replacement itself will be confirmed.

“That design phase is when the full scope of work or the options … get fleshed out,” Purington told the Selectboard.

Purington said the $48,439 that has already be set aside will probably not cover the entirety of the schematic design cost. However, whatever amount the town has to allocate, he said, is “going to be well-worth the money.”

The elementary school was built in 1955 and there was an addition added in the 1970s, according to Principal Walter Huston. The current asphalt roof, which was installed in 1994, has missing shingles and leaks. The last major renovation project was a full flooring replacement in the summers of 2022 and 2023, which cost $315,000.

When asked about the type of roof that would replace the current asphalt shingle roof, Purington said the idea of a metal roof was floated previously and is still an option.

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Huston said he is excited to get a new roof for the school.

“It’ll be exciting and interesting to see the process,” Huston said.

He explained the goal would be to install the new roof during the summer months so work would not impact the students’ education.

Erin-Leigh Hoffman can be reached at or 413-930-4231.

An earlier version of this article had a typo in the reimbursement percentage offered by the Massachusetts School Building Authority. The MSBA will cover 77.47% of the roof replacement once a total cost is identified.