Greenfield City Council must ‘do the right thing’
Published: 01-03-2023 2:18 PM |
Thank you, Councilor Ricketts, for filing your motion for reconsideration of the City Council’s Dec. 21 vote to not approve the proposed amendment to rezone the land along French King Highway from General Commercial to Planned Industrial. It is very unfortunate and short-sighted that the council saw fit to turn down a powerful development opportunity for Greenfield. By allowing reconsideration, the council will have the chance to change their vote and do the right thing. At least one of the successful companies currently housed in our existing Industrial Park has expressed a need for significant growth and yet they have no ability to expand here. This could be the first step in building a planned industrial park. They have expressed a desire to create hundreds of good-paying jobs in our city in a campus style setting. If the council’s negative vote stands, they will have to go elsewhere. Other companies in the valley are looking for expansion space. Sorry. Greenfield doesn’t have any. Try Deerfield.
Why would the City Council vote down an opportunity to make Greenfield a welcome place for small industry, to create a model for attracting more people, good paying jobs, and more tax revenue? Why would they walk away from making effective use of land that has remained untouched for many years and is known primarily as the city’s sand pit? After a long time of stagnation, we need to grab the opportunity to move forward. What is going to happen there if the negative vote is allowed to stand? Just more years of the same? Here’s a chance to energize the community and re-shape our economy. I urge the council to take advantage of Councilor Ricketts’ motion to think again about this important and timely opportunity. It requires vision and leadership. Councilors, seize the opportunity!
David Chichester