Jessica Corwin: Lower voting age to strengthen democracy
Published: 04-22-2024 5:05 PM |
It has always struck me as problematic that most young adults get their first opportunity to vote several months after they have finished their free and appropriate public education. Many have left home by then, leaving them to figure out voting on their own. National voter turnout rates suggest that an alarming number never do. Voters at annual Town Meetings in Sunderland, Deerfield, Conway and Whately have a chance to change that this spring by supporting a warrant article aimed at lowering the municipal voting age to 16.
Town elections happen in the spring when more student birthdays have occurred, so sophomores, juniors and seniors could get into the habit of voting while still in their home communities. Other municipalities that have done this have seen increased voter turnout in all age groups in part because excited teenagers bring their grownups with them to the polls. One additional likely benefit: improved teen and young adult mental health. Our youth are facing a future of climate change, gun violence, restricted reproductive rights, racial and LGBTQ discrimination, severe income inequality, and more, and many rightly feel helpless. Giving them a voice now and showing them the path to future systemic change is an important step to counteracting the hopelessness that they experience.
Frontier Regional towns, please attend your annual Town Meeting and support voting rights for 16- and 17-year-olds to strengthen our democracy and uplift the voices of the future. And other towns, start planning to do the same next year!
Jessica Corwin