D. Allen Stevens: What exactly is Memorial Day all about?

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 06-20-2024 3:40 PM

While reviewing a recent edition of the Recorder, I observed a paid display captioned “Remember and Honor this Memorial Day” showing various family relatives who had died. Though surely these families simply wished to acknowledge their loved ones publicly, Memorial Day is not a general day to memorialize anyone who has died. There was no mention of these folks having died while serving in the military, which is what this day represents. Even the Shelburne Falls VFW Post 8503 erred with their entry “in memory of past, living and serving veterans.” This is an improper statement and should be reserved for Veteran’s Day, intended to recognize all military veterans of the United States Armed Forces who served honorably, past and present, living or deceased. Memorial Day is a singular day set aside yearly, dedicated for reflection and remembrance, to honor fallen military personnel who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces defending our liberties and freedom. Those who perished during wars, attacks, or conflicts defending our country certainly deserve at least one day specifically dedicated solely to them. The Recorder staff should be ashamed of their attempt to monetize this holiday by allowing readers to recognize all loved ones who have died rather than those this day is intended to commemorate. It demonstrates a level of naivety regarding the true meaning of this day, showing a misunderstanding of what this holiday genuinely is intended for.

D. Allen Stevens


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