Doomsday climate predictions never stop
Published: 07-05-2024 12:43 PM
Modified: 07-05-2024 7:45 PM |
False doomsday climate predictions have been going on for decades and will continue with the likes of columns by Russ Vernon Jones and others with their wild Nostradamus predictions that never come true.
I still remember the late 1970s watching a TV series called “In Search Of,” narrated by Leonard Nimoy. This episode was called “The Coming Ice Age.” Climate experts and climatologists believed the next ice age was on its way and “within a lifetime we could live in an ice age. Of course, this never happened.
Published in 1992, Al “Captain Planet” Gore’s book, “Earth in the Balance” predicted that within a few decades up to 60% of the present population of Florida may have to be relocated. This year Florida’s population is over 22 million and it is the fastest-growing state in the country.
This past April, the U.N. climate chief said we have two years to save the planet. It never stops.
David C. Kempf