Jim Bates: Climate change and the dream

Yan Krukau/via Pexels

Published: 11-01-2024 3:18 PM

“We’ve known that climate change is getting worse,” a recent My Turn writer proclaims.

No. We don’t know climate change is getting worse. Or as Einstein would say, it’s all relative.

Any climate information or research from a college or a university has natural bias inside the data. This is an opinion page, right?

For a generation, students have been indoctrinated with “global warming” and “climate change” hyperbole from their respective teachers and professors.

According to Weather Underground (wunderground.com), three of the top 10 deadliest mainland U.S. hurricanes occurred in the late 1800s.

There was no one screaming or yelling at us about CO2 levels then. No ozone layer activists.

Of the top 30 of all time, 20 happened between 1850 and 1930.

This was the dawn of AC electricity, decades before the CO2 activists showed up. Why were the hurricanes so powerful then, when CO2 levels in the atmosphere were minuscule?

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There are millions more people who live in the United States than in the 1800s. More and more people live in the path of destruction from tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding and wildfires. Natural floodplains have been developed with housing and apartments that have turned into communities.

The Earth’s climate has and always will change. Do human CO2 emissions have a cause and effect on weather and climate? Perhaps, perhaps not. Next question is: Can we humans control or change the Earth’s climate simply by not emitting CO2? I don’t think so.

If the U.S. could turn off all C02 emissions tomorrow, it would have no effect on the Earth’s climate.

Do I recycle and reuse? Yes. Do I want clear air and clean water? Of course. Too much time, energy and money is being misdirected chasing a dream that will never come true.

Jim Bates
