Noel Gomez: Things the public doesn’t know

Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 12-10-2024 3:28 PM |
Next time Veterans Day comes around think of the 2,000 or so of us Marines who’ve been waiting three or more years for compensation from cancer from the drinking water at Camp Lejeune North Carolina.
What a rotten way to treat us after we put our lives on line.
What they are doing is waiting for us to die off. If this isn’t a disgrace I don’t know what is. I’ve sent letters and made phone calls to no avail. I’ll never forget when a bus load of us got off the bus at Parris Island South Carolina and the drill instructor said, “You skanks are government property now.”
I had already signed up when a drill instructor lost five Marines in a swamp.
The things the public doesn’t know.
Noel Gomez
South Deerfield
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