Barbara K. Seamon: Support pancreatic cancer bill

Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 12-11-2024 9:55 PM |
Thank you for your Nov. 26 article, “Legislation takes aim at pancreatic cancer.”
I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September of 2023. I was told if I didn’t have chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery ASAP I would be dead in six months. I was treated with all three last year. I am alive and healthy now because of the life-saving treatments I received at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Too many people, especially in western Massachusetts are not as fortunate as I was!
I strongly urge your readers and everyone in western Massachusetts to support the efforts of our State Sen. Jo Cumerford in her efforts to combat this deadly disease which must be detected early to save lives.
Barbara K. Seamon