Maryanne Gallagher: Online resource helps children learn about race
Published: 09-29-2023 4:44 PM |
I appreciated reading Andrea Ayvazian’s guest column “Children will learn racism if that’s what they see and hear,”[Recorder, Sept. 25]. Ayvazian ends with “Children have to be carefully taught not to absorb the toxicity around them. They need to be raised in an environment that actively promotes and models anti-racism. Then they can be safe, healthy and flourish.”
As a follow-up, I offer an online resource that offers tremendous support and resources for those of us working to provide such an environment for children. EmbraceRace ( is a non-profit organization started in 2016 by two Northampton parents, Melissa Giraud and Andrew Grant-Thomas, who were seeking resources and a community of others with whom to share conversation about and strategies for meeting this challenging task. EmbraceRace has grown into a national community of people “dedicated to raising children who are thoughtful, informed and brave about race.”
As one will find on the website, EmbraceRace resources include an ever-growing collection of articles, action guides, recorded stories, webinars with professionals, and focused learning groups with people local and from across the country who share information, expertise, and guidance for families and educators about children’s early racial learnings and what we can do to raise children to think critically about race and racial inequity — a skill set that is essential for maintaining our democracy. We are all learning as we go. As Maya Angelou is credited to saying “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” EmbraceRace is an important contributor to our knowing better to do better.
Maryanne Gallagher