Mr. Trump is no Batman
Published: 06-29-2023 5:02 PM |
In the recent letter “Donald Trump needed as Batman,” [Recorder, June 26], the writer quotes a comedian who is reflecting on San Francisco being once a gorgeous city with a funky vibe and now is rampant with homelessness and quotes a “Good Morning America” reporter that it is too dangerous to be there.
According to FBI statistics the violent crime rate is one third of what it was in the early 1990s. In those gorgeous, funky old days residents were three times more likely to be a victim of violent crime. The writer should really find more reliable sources than a comedian who is trying to make a buck off the plight of the homeless and a “Good Morning America” reporter who probably knows more about the latest fitness trend than crime in America.
The letter also cites undocumented immigrants as a problem. Immigration is a double- edged problem as the birth rate in the U.S. is 1.64 births per woman which means we are an aging nation and there is a real problem with having enough workers to support the economy, not to mention pay into Social Security/Medicare which 69 million Americans receive. The only other source of workers besides increasing the birth rate is immigration.
As for Mr. Trump being Batman. When I was young Batman was my favorite comic book character. Batman would not have sexually assaulted women then joked about it on tape and insulted and defamed his victims, put the lives of undercover agents and sources, who are working to protect us, in mortal danger by having top secret documents with their names in his closet and bathroom so he could show them to his friends, or incited supporters to a point where they attacked the U.S. Capitol and killed and injured police officers. No, I know Batman and Mr. Trump is no Batman.
Bill Lafley
New Salem