Greg Parody: The left should look within
Published: 08-14-2024 6:52 PM |
Who else is tired of all the lies from the left? They keep preaching that the biggest danger to the country is far-right extremists. Maybe the left should look within. Wasn’t it the left who told police to stand down during all the violent protests that the country saw for a half a year after the death of George Floyd? Isn’t it the left that supports illegal immigration and having taxpayers foot the bill for all the housing it takes for these people? The left will scream about January 6 even though it never came close to matching the left’s violent and destructive so-called protests of the previous half a year. The left is letting criminals run free to commit crimes over and over again. People are waking up to the left’s lies and are getting tired of them.
The danger is not from the far right extremists. It is, and always was, the left hiding behind their lies.
Greg Parody