On The Ridge: Time to show some resolve
Published: 01-04-2023 3:47 PM |
Well, here we are again, a few days into another new year. And I say to 2023, “bring it on!” But with each new year comes a semblance of new hope and resolutions that many of us at least try to take seriously, but often fall a little short in our attempt — and that would be me. But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue trying… right? Of course. So in the spirit of “resolving,” what are some of the most popular resolutions you can think of? And while you’re thinking, I have a few that come to mind quickly that will, more than likely, look familiar to you. Things like exercising more often, losing weight, getting organized, saving more/spending less money, quitting smoking, devoting more time to family and friends... the beat just goes on! Those are all good resolutions that are attainable without placing a ton of pressure on ourselves. So with that in mind, here’s a few New Year’s resolutions for sportsmen and women to ponder during 2023.
RESOLVE, to get more involved with improving wildlife habitat. This is a noble resolution if there ever was one, and as a longtime member of a great conservation organization, the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), I know first-hand the difference that getting involved can make. In 2023, join a conservation group that focuses on hunting, fishing, and the betterment of habitat for all wildlife. There are dozens of hunter-funded conservation groups doing a multitude of good work for wildlife habitat. Go out and build some wood duck boxes. Volunteer for a local habitat project that has meaning to you, because regardless of your choice, habitat work is richly rewarding as your work benefits a host of wildlife — including non-hunted species — and helps preserve hunting and fishing for the generations that follow us.
RESOLVE, to take a kid hunting or fishing in the new year. Get in the habit of taking a young person (or adult, for that matter) hunting every year. After all, where would you be without the person who first mentored you as a sportsperson? The time has come for all of us to pay it forward and keep our legacies alive!
Bonus resolution: Take a senior citizen hunting, while remembering their contributions to our sport. Do you know an individual who still wants to get into the outdoors but needs a little assistance to get there? A few years back, one of my most satisfying hunts ever involved an elderly couple (in their 80’s) sitting in a turkey blind together after five years of not being able to go. And let me tell you, that’s a feeling money cannot buy.
RESOLVE, to attempt to keep in shape during the offseason. To be honest, I have always tried to do this, but to be equally honest, those few extra pounds I carry never help me when I’m trying to get somewhere that includes climbing. Think about it, would your hunting dog have a more productive season if he’d spent the summer playing fetch rather than sleeping on the couch? You owe it to yourself, and your hunting dog, to ensure you’re both in decent shape when September rolls around.
RESOLVE, to STOP making hunting a competition. Say you return home perfectly happy to have at least seen a buck, a large gobbler, or whatever — until a friend texts you a photo of the one he got. You find that you’re not happy for them, but envious, and your jealousy erodes the joyfulness of your day. If this sounds even remotely familiar to any of you, resolve not to be that person. All of this is supposed to be fun, not a competition. Take delight in every opportunity you have when you’re in the outdoors hunting and fishing, and NEVER compare your success to others.
RESOLVE, to make scouting fun. Do you know people who just have a “nose” for fish and game? Who have a knack for finding the fish, or which ridges and fields the turkeys and deer are using? Well, here’s a flash for you, it isn’t luck as they have an over-the-top commitment to scouting. I’ve met folks in my life who scout with determination like this because they genuinely enjoy it, and they appreciate scouting as another opportunity to get into the woods. So, in 2023 let’s resolve to make scouting fun, because trust me when I tell you, you’ll become better at it in the long run.
And finally, let’s RESOLVE to make 2023 the best year ever. Let’s resolve to bring joy into people’s lives by making them smile, and let’s think about acts of kindness and generosity that will simply make our communities better places to live. Happy New Year!
Joe Judd is a lifelong hunter and sportsman. He is an outdoor writer, seminar speaker, member of the New England Outdoor Writers Association, and a 2019 inductee into the N.E. Turkey Hunting Hall of Fame. Joe is also on the Quaker Boy Game Calls and Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s Pro-Staff.