Lew La Chance: You don’t have to go to Paris

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 08-13-2024 4:10 PM

This past Tuesday, my son, Tom and his wife drove us to Williamstown to The Clark Art Institute. Later referred to as “The Clark.” It’s only an hour drive west on Route 2 from Greenfield.

With a Greenfield Public Library card, one can borrow one free pass from the Greenfield Public Library on Main Street and return it the same day. It is best to ask for it one day earlier or more. The Clark opens at 10 a.m.

The fee is $20 to view paintings of Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Frederic Remington, Winslow Homer, John Singer Sargent, Vincent Van Gogh, also tapestries, silver dishes, statues, and a “Japanned” Red Bureau Cabinet, c. 1720, and much more.

One very large room contained several Renoirs, some Monets and others. My son estimated a value of millions of dollars!

Have fun. For seniors, there are benches for you to relax.  Also, many friendly attendants will answer most of your questions.

When you get to about half a mile from Clark museum, look for a giant rotary and going around look on the east side for a small blue sign “South Street,” where you turn right. Try to ignore the large sign “Main Street.”

At the book store, be sure to look at the children’s selections.

It was a great experience.

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You might consider a good breakfast before going.

The museum is clean and beautiful, and the grounds are well kept. One can walk about with ease.

I liked many things, but one of Remington’s paintings, “Dismounted: The Fourth Troopers Moving the Led Horses” (1890),  seems to catch the flavor of the West. 

Remember, you don’t have to go to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France to see great paintings.

Lew LaChance
