Keyword search: Opinion Greenfield MA
A collective noun is that fun aspect of grammar which denotes groups of animals, people and things. Perhaps you’ve heard of a gaggle of geese, a parliament of owls or a convocation of eagles.I have created collective nouns for people in professions...
If this is Donald Trump’s America, I want more of it. After years of doom and gloom politics and being shamed, for wrong think, we now have a reason to celebrate. MAGA is unapologetically alive, well and celebrating. The Trump dance has popped up...
On Oct. 10, Tim Jones, acting director of the state Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Waterways and Wetlands, presided over an “information” session in Turners Falls to field a skeptical public’s questions about its 401 Water...
I’m compelled to write today in commiseration with Russell Pirkot, Ed Gregory, Alan Harris, Edward Dowd, John Bos and so many other writers who’ve been traumatized by No. 45 [Donald Trump]. Recent letters published in this newspaper add oxygen to the...
During the week of Sept. 21-27, the “Women of Vision: Journey to Hope” tour came to our region of western Massachusetts and southern Vermont, leading a dozen programs, presentations and workshops. We, a group of co-organizers and participants, would...
Years ago, “yield” was recognized as giving way. Today in 2024, many do not understand that the “yield” sign means the other motorist has the right of way. We all know that drivers in the rotary have the right of way. Those entering the rotary may...
It appears that more drivers are stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks. Walkers now should seek crosswalks to get from one side of the street to the other. Traffic control is taking turns. Motorists should slow down at crosswalks as many of us age 70...
Come to the Shea Theater in Great Falls (aka Turners Falls) on Oct. 10 at 6 p.m. Speak up for the Connecticut River. She needs you to speak her truth! Call for the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) to deny the Northfield Mountain Pumped...
We look weak, and it looks like we are led by cowards.Do not shoot me, I am a citizen of the U.S. from a military family.Karl Rove, committed treason in front of us all. F.B.I. looks weak, led by cowards. It appears it is OK to be a spy in Washington....
Regarding the article ”GBA brainstorms ways to boost biz in the area” [Aug. 24], I have lived on River Street in Greenfield for over 40 years, and have seen many changes in the neighborhood, which includes Mill Street and Deerfield Street. If the...
I am writing in response to a letter in the Recorder on Thursday, Aug. 15 by Greg Parody, “The left should look within.” He wrote, and I quote, “The left is letting criminals run free to commit crimes over and over again. People are waking up to the...
This past Tuesday, my son, Tom and his wife drove us to Williamstown to The Clark Art Institute. Later referred to as “The Clark.” It’s only an hour drive west on Route 2 from Greenfield.With a Greenfield Public Library card, one can borrow one free...
Kudos to Neil Jones for writing to the Recorder with his praise of the staff at the RMV. As I read it, I thought that I should have written that letter myself because I, too, experienced their excellent service recently. Everyone was courteous and...
Thank you to The Recorder for providing coverage of local issues in town government. I am painfully aware that this is a service, essential to democratic participation, that is no longer available to many localities across the country.Thank you also...
On Dec. 29, 2021, Mitch Speight and Joan Marie Jackson had a letter dropped on their front porch in Greenfield by the county sheriff’s office. It was a “Notice to Quit” from a local law firm. “You are hereby notified and requested to vacate the...
By DANIEL CANTOR YALOWITZTo stay alive takes real courage in difficult times. Here in the U.S., as in so many places around the globe, we are deep in one of these challenging periods. There is a way out, or a way through. We are better off if we can...
Donald Trump, the blasphemer who referred to Christians as “my Christians,” is trying to convince Christians they belong to him, not to their God and His Son. He is filling the role of the beast described in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, verses...
I was disappointed by the recent article “Greenfield councilors debate proposed Code of Conduct,” [Recorder, July 12].The article misses the point and mischaracterizes my statements. I’m writing to set the record straight.I did not say that the...
There is a Chinese phrase “jintui-liangnan,” which means you are caught in a situation from which you can go neither forward nor backward. The phrase is an apt reference to the dilemma of the American republic which faces trouble either way: If we go...
Just wondering if any thought has been given to installing a traffic light on Main Street where the fire trucks come and go? That way the traffic could be stopped when that happens.Wilmer JohnsonGreenfield
On May 28 at 6 p.m., a “Bring the hostages home” rally was held at the Greenfield common. Some of those gathered had Israeli flags, including one 83-year-old woman with a walker. An onlooker, a woman younger than 83, shouted “Genocide” relentlessly...
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