
Displaying articles 2521 to 2540 out of 2612 total.

Addressing student enrollment drop 

01-18-2023 2:51 PM

I read with interest the Jan. 17 Recorder article, “Schools see steep drop in enrollment,” and was struck by the mayor’s comment, “We should all be concerned about that.”Although I agree with her sentiment, I am not in agreement with her vision for...

The dangers of not voting 

01-18-2023 2:51 PM

Although I sympathize with those who yearn for open primaries and agree that we need nationwide standards for federal elections, I would caution the letter writer who advocated not voting in the hope that the system would collapse to be careful what...

Student enrollment and population

01-18-2023 2:50 PM

It is a mistake to connect the decline in population to the decline in enrollment at the Greenfield Public Schools as School Committee Chairwoman Amy Proietti did in the front page article in Tuesday’s Recorder. As a 13-year veteran teacher of GPS, I...

What’s going on in Leyden?

01-17-2023 4:31 PM

What is really going on in Leyden. My only source of information is the Greenfield Recorder. It has been reported that a Selectman, police chief, police captain, town clerk and now seven members of the Council on Aging committee all have resigned. Any...

My Turn: Immigration myths: Part 1 — The ‘brokenness’ of the system

01-17-2023 4:27 PM

By Razvan Sibii

For more than two years now, my MO for this column has been this: I pick a topic related to incarceration or immigration that I think is important and interesting, I research it, I interview experts and people affected by the issue, and then I write...

Pushback: The Assessors Puzzle Box

01-17-2023 4:27 PM


Ellie Mandell and her husband moved from Watertown to Greenfield in 2013. “I have environmental illness. Over time it became clear that our 1920s home in Watertown was making me ill,” she explains. “One of the reasons we chose Greenfield was that we...

Voting and U.S. democracy 

01-16-2023 1:07 PM

Further to Judith’s Truesdale’s column “Election Reform Needed,” (Recorder, Jan. 13), whether or not you believe the last election was “stolen,” the fact remains that this foundation of democracy is not just rusty it is distorted to the point of...

Topsy-turvy way of doing business 

01-16-2023 1:07 PM

I was struck by the irony of two headlines in the Recorder’s Jan. 13 edition: one entitled “Upward Bound program folding,” and the other “ServiceNet health work gets huge boost.” So, on the one hand, a program that has been proven to help...

My Turn: Guantanamo must be dismantled and not forgotten

01-16-2023 1:06 PM


Thirty men have died since they were cleared and released from Guantanamo prison. What did they die of? Where were they? Does anyone know? Did we here in the U.S. care? Weren’t they “the worst of the worst” who plotted 9/11?Our government, through...

My Turn: In the fight against logging, conspiracy takes the (profitable) reins

01-16-2023 1:06 PM


The Massachusetts-based Partnership for Policy Integrity has been a vocal opponent of wood harvesting on public lands. They believe that ceasing to harvest wood would “expand our natural forests’ ability to store carbon.” This, of course, assumes that...

My Turn: A story of death with dignity

01-15-2023 4:59 PM


On Dec. 27, 2021, my cousin Peg took death-with-dignity in New Mexico after a 7-year struggle with ovarian cancer. Peg’s story illustrates how important it is to have assisted dying legislation available.Because she and I grew up and settled almost a...

My Turn: What I learned about the Greenfield Human Rights Commission

01-15-2023 4:58 PM


The harsh tone of Opinion Page letters and their vilification of Mayor Roxann Wedegartner and her decision not to re-appoint Greenfield Human Rights Commission (GHRC) Commissioner, Daniel Cantor Yalowitz, to another three-year term compelled me to...

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, write for social justice

01-15-2023 4:58 PM


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in writing letters. Dr. King wrote frequently, including the famous Letter from Birmingham Jail in which he encouraged activism for human rights stating, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”Martin...

As I See It: To ‘Be British,’ to ‘Be American’ 

01-13-2023 2:57 PM


In the news media coverage of the death of Queen Elizabeth of England, we learned something about being “British,” as certain behavior was called “very British” and certain others “not very British.” What’s being “British?”The most historically famous...

Connecting the Dots: Vertical vs. Horizontal

01-13-2023 2:57 PM


“You are intelligent,” he said. “That’s the newer of the two characteristics, and the one you might have put to work to save yourselves. You are potentially one of the most intelligent species we’ve found, though your focus is different from...

Shocked by column on plastics 

01-13-2023 2:56 PM

I was shocked to read the column, Earthtalk, in the Greenfield Recorder on Jan. 9. In a full column, from the top to the bottom of the page, Earthtalk was supposed to answer the question “Why isn’t the government limiting plastics?”At no place in the...

Senior Center impressions

01-13-2023 2:56 PM

I have been wanting to write a letter about our Senior Center aka Council on Aging, for some time, but Marilyn Pelvis’ Jan. 12 letter prompted one. I’m always reading in your paper about all the activities at Senior Centers around me (Bernardston,...

My Turn: MLK event explores racism in the health care industry

01-12-2023 4:40 PM


“Healthcare in America is not a right but a commodity,” says Jeneen Interlandi, a contributor to “The 1619 Project,” a book edited by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones. Interlandi believes the system is designed to treat those with...

My Turn: Election reform needed 

01-12-2023 4:39 PM


The movie “Spotlight” showed how The Boston Globe uncovered and published the sex-abuse scandal in the Catholic church. The Spotlight team of investigative reporters, having found six priests who had abused children and been covered up by the church,...

My Turn: Instead of a pavilion, give UMass service works bonuses

01-12-2023 4:39 PM

By Robin Jaffin

While I was walking with my dog around the property and trails that surround the Arthur F. Kinney Center for Renaissance Studies building on the UMass campus, I noticed a Bobcat tractor ripping out the perennial beds behind the former Dakin home. I...

Your Daily Puzzles


An approachable redesign to a classic. Explore our "hints."


A quick daily flip. Finally, someone cracked the code on digital jigsaw puzzles.

Really Bad Chess

Chess but with chaos: Every day is a unique, wacky board.


Word search but as a strategy game. Clearing the board feels really good.


Align the letters in just the right way to spell a word. And then more words.

Displaying articles 2521 to 2540 out of 2612 total.
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