My Turn: The wisdom of President Kennedy on world peace
Today marks the 61st anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination. In the last year of his presidency, Kennedy took extraordinary steps in the direction of world peace. He tried to educate the public by outlining his understanding of the world...
Mark McGlone: Coach Brown deserves better
Why was Don Brown let go from his head coaching position at UMass Amherst? Is it really just all about wins? Personally, I think it is more about the program and the student athletes than a final score or a final season record of wins and losses. Don...
My Turn: A line in the sand
Since the weather was forecast to be pleasant, I thought it might be fun to drive to Boston and walk in The Men’s March. Now did I do this because I support the abolition of abortion, or because I thrive in settings where pandemonium and chaos may...
My Turn: To-do list for Dems, progressives
I’m writing this to Democrats, progressives, and everyone who is devastated by Trump’s victory. There are many things we have to do now, but here are three of them:First: We need to connect. We lost, and it hurts. Grieve. Breathe. Connect with...
My Turn: Donald Trump rides patriarchy back to the White House
Across the country, millions and millions of citizens who supported Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign are no longer walking around in a haze, moving toward the light.Still, there is emotional fallout that needs our attention. Our nerves are...
My Turn: Send in the clowns
A recent letter writer offered up the anthem “96 Tears” by ? & the Mysterians in an effort to humble-gloat about Trump’s winning the election, to which I can only say (and I mean this sincerely) – Thank you!“96 Tears” is the perfect anthem for people...
Lucy Fagella: Real men use rakes
Enough already with the leaf blowers guys. Remember exercise keeps you young ... and is much quieter.Lucy FagellaGreenfield
Pushback: Wall Street landlords are coming to our zip code
On Oct. 29 I was mailed a check for $320,310 from Ocean City Development, LLC, of Wakefield, offering to buy my Greenfield home “as is.”The next day the Wall Street Journal ran a five-column story with the subheadline: “ZIP codes where investors own a...
My Turn: City’s zoning ordinances must comply with the law
Although I have concerns regarding the proposed changes to the Accessory Dwelling Unit section to the city’s zoning and the suggested amendments by petitioners, I write in support of Councilor John Garrett’s proposal to revise our existing ordinance...
Don Ogden: Remembering Waffles T. Clown
Thank you for “Friends remember multi-talented political activist Joshua J. Dostis, aka Waffles T. Clown” (Recorder, Nov. 16). Over the years I had the opportunity to engage in some edgy direct actions with Waffles. Most memorable to me was our...
Wendy Robinson: Glorious?
I would like to remind the writer of the letter “A glorious week" [Recorder, Nov. 13] that there was no "lying" by the news media; they were unanimous in saying the presidential election would be close and it was close. According to the latest...
Gary Regan: Northfield emergency responders instill confidence
Unless the residents of Northfield and Bernardston have had occasion to need the services of Northfield’s emergency responders they may not know how fortunate they are to have this group available to them.Recently, I required their services due to a...
My Turn: First they came for the immigrants
Here’s an incomplete list of the kinds of immigrants that, at some time or the other, the U.S. government has said should not be coming to this country: Syrians, convicted criminals, Chinese, anarchists, Libyans, people who are illiterate, Eastern...
My Turn: The mistakes of Saturday morning quarterbacking
There is no shortage of post-election speculation about the causes of Kamala Harris’ loss as Democrats wring hands and panic over the future of the party. It is generally an overreaction.Trump’s success was not the landslide he has claimed; many of...
My Turn: Faith in political pendulum shaken
I’m compelled to write today in commiseration with Russell Pirkot, Ed Gregory, Alan Harris, Edward Dowd, John Bos and so many other writers who’ve been traumatized by No. 45 [Donald Trump]. Recent letters published in this newspaper add oxygen to the...
My Turn: Election truths and consequences
The gatherers of facts have it that our least educated citizens were those most likely to vote for Trump. As a career teacher and school administrator, I take keen interest in that analysis.Privatization of schooling in New Orleans was the...
My Turn: Thank you, ‘Women of Vision’
During the week of Sept. 21-27, the “Women of Vision: Journey to Hope” tour came to our region of western Massachusetts and southern Vermont, leading a dozen programs, presentations and workshops. We, a group of co-organizers and participants, would...
My Turn: Not giving up on the climate
The election of Donald Trump is catastrophic in so many ways. It will mean untold suffering for many people and for our country as a whole. It also will be disastrous for the global climate crisis.We are at a moment in history when the entire world...
Lew La Chance: Driving tips and the value of being American
Years ago, “yield” was recognized as giving way. Today in 2024, many do not understand that the “yield” sign means the other motorist has the right of way. We all know that drivers in the rotary have the right of way. Those entering the rotary may...
Rachel Gordon: Newspapers have an important responsibility
I am appalled that the Recorder was willing to print the dehumanizing language in the Nov. 2 letter to the editor “True colors.” Indeed, the democratic process — warped though it is by the Electoral College and the dismantling of the Voting Rights...
Your Daily Puzzles

An approachable redesign to a classic. Explore our "hints."

A quick daily flip. Finally, someone cracked the code on digital jigsaw puzzles.

Chess but with chaos: Every day is a unique, wacky board.

Word search but as a strategy game. Clearing the board feels really good.

Align the letters in just the right way to spell a word. And then more words.