Elizabeth Vierling: UMass child care lacking
I was interested to see that UMass is apparently planning to build an expanded child care facility [“Child care lack leaves hundreds waiting on list,” Gazette, Nov. 9]. I question if the plans are “expansive” enough.It is distressing that UMass finds...
Connecting the Dots: Personal gratitude, political malpractice
America is morphing from an imperfect democracy into an aspiring authoritarian form of government. The process is already under way if you look at the number of unqualified, Trump-supporting sycophants seeking critical cabinet posts in his new...
As I See It: From liberal to imperial democracy
On Nov. 5, the American majority made a historic decision: They refused to go back to the past with Democrats and decided to welcome the future, promised by Donald Trump. While she famously declared “We’re not going back,” it was Kamala Harris who...
Thomas Bledsoe: Common sense zoning changes for Greenfield
I am writing in support of the amendments to the Greenfield zoning code that will encourage the development and renovation of badly needed housing. Councilor John Garrett, the sponsor of the amendments, made a compelling case for these changes in his...
My Turn: What about armistice for Israel/Gaza?
As people were commemorating Veterans Day [“Armistice Day”], I noticed in the Recorder a guest column by William Lambers: “Armistice brought ‘the silence heard round the world.’” The writer did not mention the Israel/U.S. ongoing genocide (war) in...
Bob Dickerman: Work needed to resist fascism
Here are some comments on resisting the rise of Trump’s fascism.First, we shouldn’t despair or give up. Democracy must be constantly maintained, kind of like your car, only a lot more important. So, we have to keep working on it.As Hitler did almost a...
Jo-Ann Prescott: Fall cleanup of cemeteries
The Montague Cemetery Commission will be conducting our annual fall cleanup of the town cemeteries, in particular, Highland Cemetery, on Tuesday, Nov. 19. Please remove seasonal decorations from your loved one’s grave before the above date. Much...
Chester Kuzontkoski: Glad elections are over
For many reasons, I am so glad the elections are over. I am also glad about the results as well. Finally, we might be spared of all the articles and columns published in this paper that have been so one-sided.Especially the last few years, we have...
Philip Korman: HIP funding must be restored
If I told you that our state runs the only program in the country that targets hunger and health by making fruits and vegetables grown by local farmers accessible to families on SNAP, you might feel proud of that fact. And if I shared that this...
My Turn: I am weary
This morning I stood in front of my altar and lit its candles, held a stub of palo santo to the sputtering flame, and even before I spoke I felt the tingling and buzzing in my shoulders and arms that let me know The Ancestors were already there...
My Turn: Local congratulations to Nobel winner Nihon Hidankyo
At a time of a both extensive and costly “overhaul” of U.S. nuclear weapons, and increased dangers of the use of atomic weaponry, area activists welcome the announcement of Nihon Hidankyo as winner of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize.The name of this...
My Turn: What will make Greenfield schools safe places to learn?
Over the past two weeks there have been articles and letters in the Recorder, and much discussion on social media about safety in Greenfield schools. Although there was talk about physical fights and bullying, and reference to national gun violence,...
David Goldstein: A glorious week
Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, and I am very ecstatic and thankful that he beat Kamala Harris in 2024! It was a historic landslide victory that I will never forget (and neither will she). Truth be told, I was a little concerned Trump might...
Bobby C. Campbell: Looking out for our younger generation
I’m writing this letter because I’m very worried about the younger generation who have seen hatred and very little leadership from a group of older people acting like immature babies themselves, which means they can’t lead by example and mentor these...
My Turn: Let’s stop being gaslit by the right
If Kamala Harris had won the 2024 election, the next months would have been filled with a cycle of headlines about voter fraud. They would have stemmed from complaints from Republican leadership and lawsuits backed by powerful donors (along with a...
My Turn: Libraries are writing an exciting, evolving story
I don’t remember the first time I went to the library, but I heard the story so often over years from my mother that I can picture it: 3-month old me, lightly bundled in my carriage because it was September and summer’s warmth lingered, as we headed...
My Turn: Northfield shouldn’t take step backward
Northfield is facing a critical decision at the special Town Meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 13. Among the topics up for discussion is Article 6, a citizens petition seeking to eliminate the position of town administrator and replace it with an...
Barry Adams: Why Trump won, big
John Kenneth Galbraith wrote in his 1983 analysis of power that power rests in the “power of persuasion.” Persuasion requires effective communication of words, thoughts, and one’s vision. The political climate in recent years reflects the stark...
Jennifer Roberts: Election headline not neutral
I did not appreciate the Recorder’s headline after the Nov. 7 election, “Trump back on top.” This headline is not neutral and shows bias, something every journalistic source should avoid. It inherently implies that if Trump’s on top, then Kamala...
Norman Schell: True colors
It seems that the so-called champions of democracy don’t like it when the democratic process doesn’t go their way.They are then forced to show their true colors: childish emotional extremes, infantile tantrums, pubescent histrionics, outbursts of...
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